How Can I Serve You?
I can develop both short and long term contextualized seminars in the area of Discipleship and Mission for your local church or broader constituency. These can be delivered in person or videoconferencing format.
As can be seen by the materials in the workbook section of this website, I have broad experience in developing and producing workbooks on a broad range of topics for your ministry and organization.
In our ever increasing complex world consulting together is a key strategy to meeting the challenges the church faces in making a difference in an increasingly broken web of society. This gathering together to discuss and brainstorm on both theory and practice of ministry can be effective in moving your team forward in its mission.
Academic Advising/Editing
I have advised many pastors in the preparation and editing of their Master Thesis, Doctor of Ministry Project and PhD Dissertation. I also have initial editing skills for those whose English is a second language. I am more than happy to work with you until the work is done. All my rates are reasonable and are meant to be of high value.
I have decades of experience in pastoring local Adventist Churches in the urban context of Los Angeles where I continue to serve.
For the last twenty years I have taught and trained pastors in the principles of Discipleship and Mission on the graduate level in Asia, Africa and South America.
I have consulted and written for the Church on the Conference, Union, Division and General Conference levels of the Church.
The Fruitful Process
“As iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another .”
— Proverbs 27:17